The Music of (my) Bandcamp Fridays
This isn’t a best-of. This isn’t a pat on the back.
These are all the records I bought last year on Bandcamp.
An ongoing pandemic and dearth of live music turned me into a little Bandcamp pay piggy. I have no regrets.
You can see my listening habits here.
Verify my purchases, coward.
I’m going to leave notes on some stuff. Just because something doesn’t have a note doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it. I consider this whole list to be packed with great listens. I drank a bottle of wine during the course of writing this post and it shows.
January 13th⌗
- The Black Moon by Holy Fawn
- DEATH SPELLS by Holy Fawn
- I bought some Greet Death merch too.
February 5th⌗
- Realm of Chaos by Bolt Thrower
- World Extermination by Insect Warfare
- Moments of Suffering by Grief Ritual
- In The Spirit World Now by Ceremony
- Violence Violence by Ceremony
- New Bermuda by Deafheaven
- Sunbather by Deafheaven
- I’m not mad about Infinite Granite, I just don’t like it as a shoegaze record. They tried something and it missed for me.
- A Mild Circus by Yarrow
- Soakie by Soakie
March 5th⌗
- With Weight. by Stars Hollow
- This is such a fucking good single. The whole LP is on this list later.
- A Colossal Wreck // Desperate Pleasures by Every Time I Die
- AWOL by Every Time I Die
- Every Time I Die’s full length, RADICAL, which came out in 2021 also rules.
April 2nd⌗
- Lament by touche amore
- god DAMN what an outstanding record.
- Somewhere City by Origami Angel
- ditto
April 16th⌗
- ULTRAPOP by The Armed
- I have listened to this album and its associated live videos, feature film, live set at Adult Swim Fest probably over 50 times total. I was going to see them this weekend (January 8th), but the show got moved to March. I’ll still see ’em. Refract.
April 26th⌗
- Mannequin Pussy rules.
May 7th⌗
- I Want to Live My Life by Stars Hollow
- A truly outstanding effort. This record is criminally underrated.
- Home, Like Noplace Is There by The Hotelier
- A purchase long delayed. Essential.
- 22, A Million by Bon Iver
- The NPR Front Row performance of this record honestly caused something inside me to shift. It is perfect.
- Immunity by Jon Hopkins
- Show me a more perfect house/trance/ambient record.
- Pull The Thorns From Your Heart by Senses Fail
- i became birds by Home Is Where
- GAMI GANG by Origami Angel
- Enemy of man by Kriegsmaschine
- Apocalypticists by Kriegsmaschine
May 10th⌗
- Love It Love It, LP by Nana Grizol
- This album is perfect.
June 13⌗
- Astronomicon LP (LUNGS-062) by NUDITY
- This was an impulse buy. I listened to the first track and knew I would like the rest. I want to shout out Iron Lungs for being unafraid. They publish the things they like, whether or not they may be successful.
August 6th⌗
- Oxidized by Frontierer
- Time Well by Cloakroom
- Sumerlands by Sumerlands
- Deep Space Station by Cloakroom
- California Cursed by DRAIN
- Stare Into Death And Be Still by Ulcerate
- Forked Tongues by Craven Idol
- Garden of Burning Apparitions LP by Full of Hell
- Draw Down The Moon by Foxing (I later bought this on vinyl as well)
- Foxing is the only live act I saw this year. They absolutely surpassed my expectations. Foxing deserves infinite recognition. 😍 Conor.
August 27th⌗
- The Great Dismal B-Sides, LP by Nothing
- Tired of Tomorrow (Deluxe Version), LP by Nothing
September 3rd⌗
- Impenetrable Cerebral Fortress by Gulch
- This album is simultaneously stifling and uplifting. Horrific and gorgeous. Kristin Hayter is a true artist, and deserves greater things than the trauma she was dealt in the last year. Her work is compelling and profound. As ready as you think you are for this album, you are not.
- Ditto to the above.
- Vain Attempt (LUNGS-134) by SLANT
- 1집 (LUNGS-174) by SLANT
- Sono Pronta a Morire by TORSO
- Bury Me Beneath This Rotting Earth by Body Void
- Tyrant by Thou
- I slept on Thou for awhile, I’m not sure why. Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean is one of my ultimate jams, and I couldn’t find a band that scratched the same itch until I finally listened to Thou.
- Auditory Trauma: Full of Hell Isolation Sessions by Full of Hell
October 1st⌗
- Why Love Now by Pissed Jeans
- Actual Hell LP (LUNGS-067) by CØNDITIØN
- Inlet by Hum
- I was underwhelmed by this record.
- Primordial Arcana by WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM
- Ruiner by Whores.
- Meta by Car Bomb
- Annihilated by Sectioned
November 5th⌗
- The Dusk In Us by Converge
- Clear Moon by Mount Eerie
- I
hopeknow you’re doing ok, Phil. 2017’s A Crow Looked At Me is one of the most emotionally devastating albums I have ever listened to.
- I
- The Flower Moon by mountain man
- Still They Pray by Cough
- Litourgiya by Batushka
- It Comes In Waves by The Acacia Strain
- basking in the glow by oso oso
- puppy love by Mom Jeans.
- The Albatross by Foxing
- Nearer My God by Foxing
- Dealer by Foxing
- I snagged all these on vinyl too. If you don’t listen to Foxing you are fucking up.
- Deathconsciousness, LP + Book by Have a Nice Life
- Repress of one of the greatest albums to be recorded.
December 2nd⌗
- Dissolution Wave, LP by Cloakroom
That’s it.
Rest in peace to Bandcamp Friday, but I’ll continue to reduce my backlog of records to buy every first Friday of the month in protest.
Update: Bandcamp Friday is coming back for 4 months in 2022, starting on February 4th.
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