un-wifi-ing your (specific) samsung fridge
why the fuck does a fridge need wifi?
it doesn’t. it has a temperature panel inside to control everything that needs to be controlled.
i have a Samsung RS23A500ASR that came with a wifi card that constantly broadcasts a network. it’s annoying.
the only information I was able to find on the internet about disconnecting the wifi was this medium post that referenced this mastodon post.

My wifi card header was on a different spot on the main board than the board referenced in those other posts but there were a couple of similarities:
- wifi card header is 6 pin
- connector used 5 of them
- orange-ish piece of plastic that was unique to the wifi board connector
steps to un-wifi⌗
unplug fridge.
pop off the back panel (mine was where the power cable comes out of the back).
unplug cable from the header (and hope it’s the right one).
no more wifi.
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